Milestone One Autism: Child and Adolescent Development

Milestone One: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of the introduction (including a literature review) to your research report. The introduction section sets the stage for the rest of the paper. It presents the rationale for the research by stating a problem that needs to be solved or identifying a gap in our knowledge that the research hopes to fill. 

The statement of the problem leads to an assertion: “Based on what we know (theory and research findings), this is the expected answer (thesis). If this is so, these results will be obtained when subjected to experimentation (hypothesis).” 

The literature review within the introduction section is an important component that ties what is already known about a topic to what one wants to discover through research. By critically analyzing the research, the researcher can build on what has been discovered and extend the research or overcome design limitations. 

The introduction section of your research paper has many important functions: 

  • It provides an overview of your chosen topic. 
  • It presents your thesis—the assertion that you are making based on your theoretical and background knowledge. 
  • It provides a statement of th​‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‍​e hypothesis to be tested through your proposed research. 
  • It gives an overview of the proposed research, including the general research strategy you will use. 
  • It provides a literature review of resources relevant to the chosen topic. 

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document. 

Milestone Two: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of your methods and results sections, addressing critical element II in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. The methods section is a thorough description of the procedures you will use for your study. The main components are a description of the subjects; the methods for collecting data, including instrumentation and procedures to be used; and the method for analyzing data (the statistical analyses). 

Another important component is a description of how the ethical treatment of the subjects will be ensured; this includes providing informed consent and debriefing after the study. The purpose of the results section is to relate your research findings to your original hypotheses. Your obtained data are the basis for answering your research questions and describing patterns you discovered in the course of your research. To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric docume​‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‍​nt.

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