You are required to create a tri-fold informational brochure about an injury of your choice. This brochure should be informational and geared towards understanding a common injury in a sport, and the immediate treatment of the injury. Identify the anatomy and resulting damage, mechanism of injury, initial first aid response to the injury, and treatment of this injury. You should also include what are the recommended return to play criteria. You may also include: key information, educating about your injury, as well as resources for more information. This brochure should be able to be used to educate coaches on the action plan and parents about their child’s injury. Graphics shou​‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‍​ld be used. (Please create this brochure in a Word, PDF, or Powerpoint format. Other formats will not be graded. You can use the internet to find examples and/or templates. Do NOT simply put words and pictures on a piece of paper. Also think about how the brochure will be folded to ensure the title panel is on the front and the references are on the center back.) Please include on the brochure center back panel a Reference list (at least 3 appropriate references). Category Points Anatomy of the injury 15 Clear first response 22 Treatment of this injury 22 Criteria to return to play 10 Graphics 10 Spelling, grammar, syntax, clarity 6 Organization/Appropriate file format 10 Citations 5 Please provide a works cited page.

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